check this out: got an email from this guy from brazil.. his gonna feature the down session CD in a 'zine or sumthing.. anyway.. i'm sendin a promo copy.. sum bio... & pictures.. sheshh.. so!!.. I'm right again.. our market is outside/stateside!.. here : well , a few people would dig it.. I think.. maybe..
anyway.! sum news: the link is on. YOU CAN DOWNLOAD | FREE MP3'S : 2 tracks in iuma.com and 2 tracks in mp3.com | CLICK THE LINK. check it out..you can stream it or download it.. just don't sample it.... like sum lame people we know. hehehehe.. or email us for more info on cds, artist and stuff. and also info on "how can you get a promo copy"... it's kinda tricky thats why you should email us at hotbox@nervegasm.zzn.com
and also. WATCH OUT FOR FROST. he'll be @ sampler 2. gonna be out soon.... still editing and doing sum finishing touches on the CD!.. AND FOR THE PEOPLE ABROAD (outside the country..<--DUH!) WHO WANTS TO BUY/CHECK OUT THE CD/NEW RELEASES, WELL SEND US AN EMAIL WILL SEE. IF WE COULD SEND YOU A COPY.BUT MOST PROBABLY WE CAN.. HEHEHE.. OR BETTER YET YOU CAN BUY A COPY OF SAMPLER 1 AND 2 FOR $8 EACH OR YOU COULD GET THE DOWN SESSION FOR $6. THIS IS D.I.Y. BABY!. we're so INDIE! so email us if you want a copy!. laters!!

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